A Hard Choice for Hanna


Available in Ebook


A Hard Choice for Hanna (MFM)
Hardwick Bay

By: Morgan Henry
Categories: Erotic Romance, Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
Heat Level: SEXTREME
Published By: Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Ménage Amour: Erotic Ménage a Trois Romance, M/F/M

Hanna Marks is happy with her life.  She loves her job as a veterinary technician, her home, beautiful garden, friends and family.  When sexy Kent and Carter VanLindt pursue her, she feels that it can’t get much better.  They’re smart, successful, fun to be around and amazing in bed.

Hanna loves her family dearly, and can’t imagine life without them. But her parents didn’t grow up in Hardwick Bay, the little town that embraces alternative lifestyles.   Surely they’ll be able to accept her relationship with two men.  Or will her mother’s increasingly conservative views on marriage and relationships ruin it all?

Kent and Carter love Hanna to bits.  Surely she’’s the one for them.  But when Hanna pulls away at the first sign of trouble, Kent’s past relationship disaster comes back to haunt him.  Can Carter convince him to forgive Hanna and give their relationship another chance?



Hanna awoke to a piercing shriek, followed by “”What is going on here?””

She sat bolt upright, her heart hammering, but it still took a few seconds for her eyes to focus. When they did, it was to find her mother staring at the three of them in abject horror.

Later, when less shell-shocked, Hanna could admit how bad it would have appeared to her mom. The three of them were naked on a bunch of cushions in her living room and entwined together. Clothing was strewn haphazardly around the room. Including her torn panties on the chair arm. She was sure in her mother’s eyes, there may as well have been a bunch of empty liquor bottles around and loads of drug paraphernalia on the coffee table to go with the naked men.

At the time, Hanna could only yell, “”Mom, what the hell are you doing here?”” as she scrambled to find something to cover herself. She managed to grab an afghan and wrap it around her body, leaving the blanket for the two men. They, too, had sat up but wisely remained silent.

Her mother sputtered something about dropping by for breakfast as Hanna herded her out of the room. She ushered her mom into the kitchen, where she adjusted the afghan and was able to say, slightly more calmly, “”Mom, I wasn’t expecting you this morning.””

The horror on Linda’s face was rapidly being replaced by anger. She was turning an impressive shade of red, that unfortunately clashed with her pink shorts and jacket set. “”I can see you weren’t expecting me,”” she said with considerable venom. ““Is having an orgy what you normally do on Friday nights?””

At that point, Carter, fully dressed now, poked his head in and said, ““Hanna?””

She turned to him, desperately trying to keep some semblance of rationality in this horrible predicament. “”Carter, could you and Kent please wait in the living room for me?”” she asked him politely. She really needed to deal with her mother on her own, without an audience, supportive or not.

“”Well?”” her mother asked, voice dripping with antagonism.

Hanna tried to maintain some sort of composure. It took quite a bit of effort to keep her voice calm. ““Mom,”” she began, ““I realize this wasn’t what you were expecting to walk in on–“—”

“’That’’s the understatement of the century,’” Linda interrupted her.

“”Mom, let me speak.”” Hanna was surprised at the calm authority in her voice. “”I have the expectation of privacy in my own home. The key I gave you was for emergencies, not to walk in on me without warning. I am a grown woman and can make my own choices when it comes to men and sex. Those two are the men I have been seeing over the past weeks.”” She had to hold up her hand here as her mother opened her mouth to speak again. ““I wanted to tell you and Dad before you met them, but you’’ve taken that choice from me. I want you to leave, and I will visit you and Dad later this afternoon to discuss this further.””

“How dare you speak to your mother like that? I have a right to know what goes on in my daughter’s life!”” Linda shrieked.

““To a certain degree,”” Hanna agreed. “”But I will discuss all this later with you, not now.””

Hanna actually worried for a moment that her mother would have a stroke or a heart attack right there in her kitchen. But Linda finally seemed to find some control of herself and turned her back on Hanna and stalked out. Hanna heard her car start and pull out of the driveway. Hanna briefly wondered about the fact that her dad wasn’’t with her mom. That was really unusual.

The silence in the kitchen was almost soothing after that blowout. Hanna debated for a minute on getting dressed before going back to the living room, but figured it didn’’t really matter at this point. She slowly turned and made her way to Kent and Carter.

They both had serious expressions on their faces when she walked into the room. She realized after a second that their faces showed concern for her. She was a little stunned, both by the whole ugly scene and by their obvious pain on her behalf.